O M G !!!

Before embarking on a DIY project, it's essential that you take the proper safety precautions

Hey ! before You D.I.Y, Please know these 8 Safety Precautions and Best Practices
  1. Prevent fires. ...                                 5 Always use clamps to hold wood. ...
  2. Keep a first-aid kit handy. ...             6 Maintain adequate lighting. ...
  3. Use personal protective gear. ..       7.Eliminate tripping hazards             
  4.  Avoid working when tired. ...           8.Always dress appropriately for the job

Checkout our collection of Protective Gears ...

Our Happy Customers

I’m so pleased to give this feedback about DB safe earplugs, I was suffering from sleep disorder and alergic to even a bit of noise and used to have sleepless nights and the entire next day is ruined, started using DB safe earplugs and it worked, I could have a sound sleep, it’s a quite useful one, I use it even while riding to eradicate trafic noise/honking, thanks to DB safe


I am a helicopter pilot flying for last 30 years and have been advised to wear ear plugs. I searched and tried the conventional foam plugs but was not satisfied. Finally I  came across dbsafe product on the internet and wanted to try the product. I became a big fan of their reusable rear plug which I always wear inside the headset. It refuces the external noise by atleast 20db and allows the communication to be heard clearly. I use them in all noisy environment like traffic, movies, etc. The foam ones are used where no communication is involved. A big fan of these products and I have been using since I found them in 2013. I have gifted these to my colleagues as well. Pure value for money. Also would like to mention that my audiometry graph had mantained since the time I am using these plugs.

Amithab sharma


They are very good sir. The very reason why I have asked for them in 3 seperate occasions – with you in Bangalore and while I was in Delhi and Mumbai. They are very soft and slide inside the ear to block off noise to a good degree and helps in focussing on work. Recommend it to all. Also the ones available on amazon or flipkart are not even close. I would give them more than 5 star.


Store Manager, Walmart Inc

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